The power to shape tomorrow is in our hands — it’s time to harness it.

- Shah Rukh Khan
I Truly Believe That
We Can Empower Women
In my life, I have been given several opportunities to flourish by the people around me. And this is exactly what I want to do for others – especially women. My dream is to create an ecosystem that allows women, regardless of their history, to redefine, redo, or rework their lives the way they choose, the way they see fit. This might seem idealistic, but I truly believe that we can empower women to dream, grow, and live life without worry.
The reality, however, is that most women have very little freedom. Often, they are made to feel powerless, have restrictions imposed on them, and are punished for the choices they make, or for simply saying ‘no’. These cases of oppression usually stem from a lack of respect and empathy, which is in stark contrast to what I try to personify every day. In fact, it is my conviction in women’s rights that compels me to act – especially when I learn of atrocities like acid attacks. I believe that, when faced with violence, women need a friend – someone they can rely on, who can help them face these hurdles and come out stronger. Meer is that friend.
The vision for Meer Foundation was inspired by my father – the most gentle, compassionate, and kind man that I have known. His interactions with women were always based on a foundation of respect and kindness, and this is what I remember most about him. Meer, which is named after the title that he bore, is the embodiment of his spirit.
Through Meer, I believe that we can help women who have been treated unfairly by creating a network of support. In the past year alone, I have seen the Foundation’s immense potential to better lives and change the future. We have only just begun, and we plan to grow even stronger, ultimately helping the dream become a reality.
About Us
Meer Foundation was incorporated in 2013, and aims to affect change at the ground level. The Foundation works on multiple fronts with different stakeholders to build a world that empowers women and brings society together.

Our Vision
To influence and enable a new mindset that embraces equality and does not fear it; one that gives women the power and freedom to live their lives their way.
Our Mission
To protect and empower women, foster humility and gallantry among men, and fuel the bravery and optimism that exists within each of us.
Our Beliefs
Because nothing worth achieving has ever been easy.
Because it takes strength to stand up for what is right and truly make a difference.
Because it is the essence of humanity.
Because acknowledgement and acceptance are the first steps towards change.
Our Approach
India ranks 125 out of 159 countries on the UN Gender Inequality Index (2015). This is largely because of crimes against women. Of these, the most significant and violent offence is acid attacks – a crime that needs immediate attention at a societal as well as legal level.
At Meer Foundation, we recognise that women are not defined by the effects of acid attacks. In fact, we have seen many women, time and again, display immense reserves of personal strength when dealing with challenging circumstances. As they cross hurdle after hurdle, we stand by their side and help:
- Build Multi-Disciplinary Partnerships
- Create Targeted Awareness Campaigns
- Conduct Comprehensive Research
What’s more, as part of our efforts to provide holistic rehabilitation, Meer Foundation supports multiple institutions, including those that provide:
Medical Aid
Legal Advice
Counseling Services
Vocational Training
“I am so grateful to Meer Foundation for helping acid attack survivors. After my attack, I faced so many medical problems and my pain lasted for years. Meer foundation funded my neck contracture surgery and I can now freely move my neck, so grateful for the comfort this has brought in my life.”
- Basanti
Our Partners

In order to reduce waste going to landfills during KKR's home matches at Eden Gardens, Meer Foundation partnered with Skrap to implement a comprehensive waste management program. This initiative included setting up waste segregation bins, collecting and sorting waste, and educating housekeeping staff and food vendors on effective waste management practices. Throughout the seven home matches in Kolkata, this partnership was crucial in ensuring that waste was recycled, composted, and minimized the amount sent to landfills.

In the united effort to combat injustices against women, Meer Foundation and Nyay'ri (https://pinklegal.in/nyayri/) have joined forces. Together, we are committed to shattering the silence surrounding crimes against women, fostering community education, and encouraging decisive action. We strive to address issues and crimes against women by spreading awareness about their legal rights. With the support of Nyay'ri's adept legal team, our collective goal is to provide accessible assistance to the general public in times of crisis. This collaboration represents a crucial step towards creating a society where everyone can actively contribute to the fight against crimes targeting women.

Shreeja India
In our pursuit of empowering rural young women in West Bengal, we have partnered with Shreeja India. Together, we are dedicated to supporting a football training program tailored for 50 girls from tribal and rural backgrounds in order to foster a vibrant sporting community where girls can nurture their football and other athletic talents.

HOPE Kolkata Foundation
Our collaboration with Hope Kolkata Foundation for a Sports Development Programme is benefitting 70 children in Kolkata. The partnership aims to encourage maximum participation among kids, enabling them to experience the numerous advantages of physical activity and the development of valuable attributes such as confidence, leadership, and teamwork.

Equal Community Foundation
Our partnership with ECF entails training adolescent students from 100 government schools in Pune in a gender-transformative approach. The training will empower participants to recognize and combat gender-based violence and discrimination, foster a human rights-based perspective, and equip them with non-violent strategies, contributing to a safer and more inclusive society.

Human Rights Law Network, New Delhi (HRLN)
In association with HRLN, we formulated a training programme to educate the community on the legal rights of acid attack survivors. Participants included survivors, lawyers, members of the Delhi Police’s All-Women Patrolling Cell, and senior plastic surgeons, who came together to address grievances and offer support to survivors. At the end of the programme, we created an action plan that is to be implemented over the course of the year.

Masina Hospital, Mumbai
We joined hands with the hospital in a year-long engagement to support their skin bank, Kharas Memorial Centre. With this endeavour, Masina Hospital helps develop new methods of skin harvesting and burns treatment at an affordable cost, and we provide assistance by raising awareness about skin donation.

Make Love Not Scars, New Delhi
As partners, we support the rehabilitation of survivors through surgeries at Apollo, Fortis, and BL Kapur hospitals in Delhi as well as through vocational training across the country.

Acid survivors Foundation India, Kolkata (ASFI)
Together, we support the surgical rehabilitation of acid attacks survivors from Bombay Hospital (Mumbai), Sankara Nethralaya (Chennai), and SSKM Hospital (Kolkata).

National Burns Centre, Mumbai
Meer Foundation funds surgeries and treatments to correct non-cosmetic deformities, as part of the Operation Restore campaign.

Atijeevan Foundation, Bangalore, with SIMS Hospital & New Hope Medical Centre, Chennai
We partnered with Atijeevan to organise Plastic Surgery Camps at SIMS, Chennai (2017) and New Hope Medical Centre, Chennai (2018). Over 50 burns and acid attack survivors received corrective surgeries, and the camps also featured several non-surgical treatment options that conceal scars.

SEWA, Gujarat
We organised screenings for the women in Self Help Groups (SHGs), and supported SEWA through Shah Rukh Khan’s voiceover in their latest campaign. Our founder personally travelled to Ahmedabad for a dialogue with grassroots managers, entrepreneurs, and collective enterprises, and came away inspired by the stories of the women he met.

Tata Memorial Centre’s Impact Foundation, Mumbai
We partnered with the paediatric wing of the Tata Memorial Centre to provide sports kits and jerseys to young cancer survivors prior to the World Children’s Winners Games in Moscow. Our founder personally met with each of them and encouraged them to give their best while representing India at the games.

St. Jude India Childcare Centres, Kolkata
A partnership with Kolkata Knight Riders in which the players closely interacted with children and their families from the Rajarhat and Thakurpur Centres in Kolkata.

Smile Foundation
Since April, we have been conducting health camps every month, helping approximately 2,400 people in Kolkata and other parts of West Bengal. These camps are conducted by doctors and paramedics who provide free laboratory tests, diagnoses, medication, and counselling.

South Asian Forum for Environment, Kolkata
We worked together to conduct a waste management drive at Eden Gardens Stadium during IPL matches. This allowed us to raise awareness, promote recycling, and create a sustainable disposal plan for the future.

Make-A-Wish Foundation, Mumbai
Together, we help make wishes come true for children who are undergoing cancer treatment.